REAL Life Drawing: My Eye On Washington DC

REAL Life Drawing: My Eye On Washington DC
Photo- Gessoed Hand of MG Stout holding her favorite paint while prepping paper

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hooray! The Triptych Has a Name

Good Friday, 108" x 60",  Acrylic on Wood Panels

I am cryin' so bad as this triptych is on the verge of completion!  What's left you ask?  Me thinks it looks pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, good.  However, there is something missing. After looking at this piece for quite some time, I decided to continue the red diagonal behind the little girl in the Blue Panel.  That addition will act as the final hinge:  connecting the panels and pulling the narrative together.  Then Good Friday will be a completed work.  Hee Haw!!! 
 Yet, I am still a wee bit unsettled. I keep going back and forth on whether or not to add another icon/element between the father and son on the Yellow Panel.  I really like the empty space between them.  It is an analogy for their distant relationship.  I just don't know.  What do you think?  Add another element or keep the space?  Make a comment, please.

1 comment:

  1. keep it blank....Maureen Toal awesome work

    Wash. Post.....liked your take on the tea party guns.....and wish almost everyone had, of course, a tea partier myself...keep up your work Mary....I like the new idea..of you being amongst the unwashed masses..showing us DC through your artistic so in awe of you... :)
