I admire the Sky. -MG Stout 2012 |
I haven’t blogged.
I’m struggling with my work. Life
sometimes sends you a bucket of poop and jeers.
This is my current disposition. I’m
questioning everything I do. I’m second-guessing
every word and every line. There is this
little dude sitting on my shoulder with his arms crossed, his brow furrowed,
hissing in my ear with very smelly breath, “YOU SUCK”. I
know, I whisper to myself. Of course he
only behaves this way when I am feeling weak and vulnerable. He’s a bully, an emotional tyrant and right
now he is playing me like a fiddle. So I
retreat. I excommunicate myself and crawl into bed. I’m larva nestled in my blanket cocoon. I toss and turn. My thoughts race and I pray the Hail Mary
over and over.
I’m waiting for the trumpets.
I know they will come, but when?
Meanwhile, I’ll be dragging my rump into the studio every day. I’m an art warrior and I NEVER give up. I’ll
paint something. Hate it. Paint over it. Hate that ad infinitum. Fear not good people of the “internets”this
too shall pass!
From the tallest mountain hear this, “I will paint a thousand appalling paintings
to get through this creative limbo.
Welcome to my life, friend! I've been trying to get my can in gear to make some work again. Since I've been in grad school for Art Ed. it's been hard to get into a regular routine of creating again. Maybe the creation gods will smile on both of us.